Hi! Thanks for visiting! My name Andi. I have two funny, smart, rambunctious boys, JK and B. My darling husband, N, and I have been married since 2002 and have been blessed beyond belief in our lives. Specifically in the last few years, when some dear friends have mentored us and taught us to live out our lives walking in the Holy Spirit. While N and I have been Christians for many years, with very different testimonies, we never truly understood what walking in the Spirit meant until 2013. Since that time, Father has made it perfectly clear that He abides in us, no matter how difficult or joyous our circumstances might be in the moment. That our treasure should be Him and that we are His. While our walk is not perfect, we have finally understood that our identity in Him IS. And that HE is sufficient.
This blog is a journal of sorts. A sharing of what He is doing in our lives, which includes our latest life-changing event: homeschooling. Like Life, the stories written here are not perfect, neat, or organized. Life on this earth can be messy and confusing and hard. But it can also be joyful and funny and filled with Love. I will be sharing both sides of this coin, as anyone that knows me knows I'm not a sugar-coating, "life-is-a-song" type of person. I'm real. Sometimes in my flesh, I am irreverent, sarcastic, selfish and forgetful and proud. But in Him, I am Love, Life-Giving, Generous, Kind, and Patient. I'm sure the latter will bubble forth, but in His Will, the rest will shine forth as well.
Blessings to you and your family as you share Life with us!