Monday, September 1, 2014

First Day of School!

Today was our first official day of school. And it was GREAT! *whew* Haha!

I went into the day wanting it to move as organically as possible. Charlotte Mason recommends that you not spend more than 20 minutes at a time on a subject. I love this! Theoretically, boredom just never happens, frustration on a particular subject cannot get too tiresome, and you get plenty to eat from in a small time frame. So while our daily goal is to have most of our school day completed by lunch, it is still a very rigorous schedule of "educational food". Our day today, with each bullet consisting of 20 minutes, consisted of the following:
  • Morning Meeting (The Pledge, Calendar Work, Weather Graph, Agenda, Scripture Memory, Hymn, and Prayer)
  • Math
  • Bible Reading
  • Science
  • Recess (40 minutes)
  • Literature
  • Copywork (10 minutes)
  • Hymn Study
  • Spanish (10 minutes)
That's a full morning! BUT...Momma was smart and utilized Daddy since he was home on holiday from work. 

He helped with our science lesson and conducting PE during recess. It was pretty wonderful! My in-laws just happened to be in town too, so while I worried that would be a distraction, it was not. It added to the excitement of a new routine and it ended up being a lovely day.

Just for record's sake, here is our official schedule.

Now, what I'm trying to keep in mind is that this is our schedule in "theory". While I've based it off several well-received templates of other Charlotte Mason households, it's yet to be seen in action outside of today in OUR home. But one of the beautiful things about homeschooling that excites me the most? If it doesn't work, change it! So awesome. Hopefully soon, I'll have an update on how it's going.

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