Monday, November 3, 2014

Nature's Surprises

Yesterday we were heathens and skipped church to take a day trip to a local state park. :-P With a packed lunch and baggies to collect our "treasures", we set of to commune with our Creator. Nothing like worshipping Him in the middle of His creation! We found lots of beautiful reminders of how amazingly Generous our Father is. So many things He gifts us just for the sake of gifting. How awesome is He?

Sorry for out of focus of a later purple aster (aster patens).

We saw this EVERYWHERE! Snailseed vines (cocculus carolinus). It grows wild in our yard at's quite aggressive and will take over even in the hardest to grow areas of your property.

A little pond by the entrance of the state park with lily pads and minnows.

This was quite the find! Some beautiful orange Jack-o-Lantern fungus (omphalotus illudens). So glad I made the boys give it some space...came home and looked it up: it's VERY poisonous!

That's a very tiny out of focus spiderweb. Hard to capture the daintiness of it.

So we came home late, exhausted, and we crashed for the night. Today we skipped our geography reading so we'd have extra time to draw and record all of fun treasures in Nature Journals. And there was a little unexpected bonus in our baggy...

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